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mike wladyka posted a condolence
Friday, March 3, 2023
Sad to here of Paul's passing. He was a tough Steelworker, union president and brother who loved literature and
good scotch whiskey. I will not forget him. I wish the family peace and loving memories of his life.
Ron Clarke posted a condolence
Thursday, March 2, 2023
So sorry to hear of Paul's passing. My sincere condolences to Andy, Rob and their families.
Ron Clarke
Brock Hills, Dawn Rosnak posted a condolence
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
Sorry to hear of Paul.s passing .Send our condolences and prayers to the Family. Sincerely Brock and Dawn
The family of Paul Byron Hagerman uploaded a photo
Tuesday, February 28, 2023

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Paul Byron
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We Put Families First.
Allison Funeral Home
103 Mill Street North, Port Hope, ON L1A 2T3
Phone: 905-885-5611 | Fax: 905- 885-2206
Phone: 905-885-5611 | Fax: 905- 885-2206
Email: porthope@rushnell.com